Monday, June 26, 2023

Summer FUN has Just Begun

Globe Turnips 22May2023
 FUN loves the end of May to the beginning of June, when the last of the cool weather crops have been harvested and the titan tunnels (thanks to Gardeners’ Supply) are put in place at Bee happy Garden. FUN had a great spring harvest with lots of buttercrunch lettuce, leaf lettuce, spinach, kale, collards, hakurei turnips, bok choy, purple top white globe turnips, and green onions. We would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to Johnny Selected Seeds, Botanical Interest, and Harris Seeds for their generous seed donations.

The tender summer crops are well established, FUN has already harvested pounds and pounds of squash and cucumbers. We have planted 5 varieties of squash, 5 varieties of tomatoes, 7 varieties of peppers, 3 varieties of cucumbers and 3 varieties of green beans - all of which are growing like gangbusters. Check out the progress in the pictures below. 

We look forward to wonderful summer season as we introduce you to vegetables new to the Bee Happy Garden.

Bee Happy Entrance 26June2023
Bee Happy Entrance 24May2023

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